My sister-in-law Jennifer posted this picture of my brother Blaine and nephew Jesse on facebook and I was so struck by the look of joy on Jesse's face that I couldn't help but write. I had the immediate sense that this is how we look when we've discovered all that our lives can be when we give them over to Christ.
I imagine that Jesse had some trepidation as he was entering the water and climbing on his father's back. Who wouldn't? This photo was taken on the Missouri River. I don't know how deep it is, but I assume it's deeper than Jesse is tall:) Isn't that how life is? Deeper than we are tall! There is so much about life in Christ that is amazing. Mercies that are new every morning! Everlasting life! Life and life abundantly! Sometimes I feel like Jesse...I'm just going to grab on to the back of my Father and hang on for dear life, because we are going for a ride.
I love that my life in Christ is not predictable. Where would be the fun in that? The excitement, the desire, the fear:) Fear, you ask? How can there be fear in the blessing? Box... Me... outside! That's how. God asks me to step outside of my comfort zone and my little, itty, bitty, I completely know what's coming next, box, so that I can experience the joy and blessing of something greater than I can ever imagine. My comfort box is pretty small and doesn't always have room for a lot of joy... how about yours? Is there enough room in it for a ride on the Missouri River or do you just want to hang out on the dock? Me... I'm jumping in!